A Sacred Moment Bathed in Divine Love

In a foreign and unnerving setting, a hospital ward, there came an extraordinary moment, a shared whisper between two souls, wrapped in the sacred shroud of serenity. This heavenly ballet was enacted on the humble stage of a noisy, strange room. An angelic soul, nestled on the bed, stretched out his little hand towards me….

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Unyielding Light in the Abyss – A Pintele Yid

Life’s path is strewn with jagged stones of hate, a bitter reality the Jewish community has endured all too often. The stain of hatred has appeared in manifold forms, intensity, places, and historical epochs. The depth of these encounters has left an indelible mark on our collective memory, etching the pain of these experiences deep…

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Caught by a Miracle: My Unforgettable Birthday

On my birthday, over a year ago, I experienced an event at the Engedi Waterfall that defies conventional explanation. In a moment that seemed to suspend the laws of time and space, I was the central character in a real-life miracle. A family day turned into a sequence of heart-stopping moments when my daughter, Tiferes, teetered on the edge of a steep drop. How I managed to catch her in time still baffles me; it felt as if I were a tool of divine providence, placed there just in time to prevent a catastrophe. This personal account explores the depth of that day’s emotions and how it eternally changed my understanding of miracles – taking them from the realm of ancient stories to a tangible reality that has become an indelible part of my life.

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My Tears, Our Destiny

In the hollow echo of the hospital’s corridors, I stood alone, my shadow merely a smear against the stark white walls. The usual rhythm of life had faltered; the heartbeat of my world drowned in a silence more deafening than chaos, filling the sterile halls with a brutal punctuation. Facing this terrifying void, I found…

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An elusive concept

Generosity of spirit – When a human reaches out, without a quantifiable reason to help another and gives of him/herself to comfort or sustain another. This is a Devine attribute and therefore completely foreign to most. But there are some truly inspiring and breathtakingly generous people, who learn from on high and act divinely. They…

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The time has arrived to get real!

We all get to this point at various times, some more infrequent than others. It’s time to be who I need to be, to feel right with the world and its purpose (naturally, we have no idea what that actually means and yet, it feels real enough). So now I know what needs to be…

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I’m yours

Submission as a word has been perverted, to mean a form of humiliation. Depicting one as being at the mercy of another and conjuring images of wrestlers or people garbed in shiny leather. To submit is to acknowledge that; You lack the superiority and power and are beholden. You have no independent will and that…

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I do

A promise to love is on the surface a fallacy, a pun, an impossible claim and its utterance is only dwarfed by the simplicity of the individual believing it. It makes no rational sense to say it or believe the person who is saying it. After all, it is based on the known of today…

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Our Constant Companion

A feeling of guilt that’s felt (in varying degrees) is a constant companion, a calling inside you. It whispers that you ought to be doing something noble with the failure to achieve some mysterious goal leaving you feeling sad and depressed. Depending on the volume of this voice inside, you can resort to various activities…

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Sublimely perfect

It’s been a path of many twists, of seeming triumphs and defeats. It’s been a journey of many tales, of countless memories and lofty trails. It’s been a wondrous adventure, with superhuman feats abound. But mostly it’s been sublimely perfect, to share it all with you my love. You are the very best of people,…

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