I do

A promise to love is on the surface a fallacy, a pun, an impossible claim and its utterance is only dwarfed by the simplicity of the individual believing it. It makes no rational sense to say it or believe the person who is saying it. After all, it is based on the known of today…

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Our Constant Companion

A feeling of guilt that’s felt (in varying degrees) is a constant companion, a calling inside you. It whispers that you ought to be doing something noble with the failure to achieve some mysterious goal leaving you feeling sad and depressed. Depending on the volume of this voice inside, you can resort to various activities…

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What should we pray for?

During our prayers, when we reach that point of standing face to face, as it were, with our Creator what do most have in mind? The short answer is their needs. We can couch our prayers and supplications so that they sound noble but ultimately, we have our hand out. As we should, of course, because we are…

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