
Every decision which we make revolves around our balance. The balance between; what we need and want, who we are and want to be, who we impact and who we don’t, what we desire and repel, whom we love and whom we can’t. The scary thing is that this balance is inherent and requires little…

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Numerical values

There are so many numerical values which apply to an individual their; Smiles, Laughs, IQ, BMI, BAS Close friends So why are we so fixated on the only numbers that don’t matter?

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Sensory palette

Our sensory palette is directly proportional to the range of love and despair which we have experienced. Any colour which doesn’t resonate emotion, by its inclusion or exclusion, is wasted energy and devoid of purpose.

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The modern office often promotes an open planned environment for a higher level of accountability and productivity. But what it also achieves, is a beehive of politics and competition. The main interchange is kudos. The sense of respect and overwhelming adoration that most humans crave. A mixture of egos and agenda are thrown together into…

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